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The Soaring Sky

The Soaring Sky makes audible an invisible landscape between singers and sky with a choral corridor of live voices inspired by the song of local and migratory birds. Tune in and look up with a slow-paced walk through this surreal and beautiful living soundscape that allows for an intimate, peaceful and reflective journey.


September 2016


Hengistbury Head

The Soaring Sky premiered at Hengistbury Head, Dorset in September 2016 and was performed at the Faraway Forest at Latitude Festival in July 2017

Commissioned by Inside Out Dorset Festival and Activate Performing Arts as part of Hengistbury Headlines 2016. Sung by local singers from a graphic choral score composed by Louise Drewett & Alex Nikiporenko.

Costumes in collaboration with  students from Arts University Bournemouth BA Costume and Performance Design: Designed by Pip Atkins, made by Charlotte Court, Georgina Hoare, Lauren Horton & Imogen Howard. With thanks to Adele Keeley.

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